
数据分析策略 & 数据虚拟化

  • 概述组织将如何使用数据来实现其业务目标的高级计划. 它通过提供一个清晰的计划来帮助组织更好地利用他们的数据资产. ​
  • By aligning data with the overall business strategy and objectives, 数据策略确保数据用于支持决策和驱动业务价值.

云数据仓库 & BI​

  • Turn data into actionable insights that drive business growth. ​
  • Build out a modern data platform in the cloud. ​
  • 设计和 实现自定义仪表板 that provide actionable views of key data and metrics. These dashboards are integrated and domain specific.


  • 数据结构 is the cutting-edge data technology to overcome complexity, so data teams spend time on business performance with data, 将数据集成为单个实体, regardless of where it is stored or how it is used.
  • 数据结构的主要目的是简化和流线化访问过程, 集成, and using data without moving the data from its source location.


  • 利用人工智能和其他新兴技术的力量,推动竞争差异化和自动化. ​
  • 帮助客户制定他们的人工智能企业战略,使他们的智能代理成为现实


  • 为客户设计并激活物联网战略,实现数据价值, AI, 物理硬件

数据治理MDM & 数据管理

  • Define data as a strategic asset and develop a framework to optimize its value.​
  • 定义清晰的数据所有权, establish standards for data quality, and identify key data requiring Master Data Management.​
  • 利用组织的资源, 流程, and technology to transform data into a valuable business asset that drives value


  • Automate routine tasks to improve efficiency and productivity.​
  • With Robots and Machine Learning software, automation orchestrates disparate applications and manual 流程.​
  • 利用Azure Bot服务来设计和构建涵盖广泛任务(如客户服务)的自动化, 数据输入, 以及跨应用工作.

合作伙伴包括: 微软Azure和Promethium


The work we’ve done with the LBMC 数据分析 team has been transformative.
CEO at a healthcare technology company
Whenever I have an issue with Power BI, LBMC的专家给出了一个快速的回答,他们自己或与微软合作解决了问题,并在几天内进行了屏幕共享,以解决明升体育app下载问题. 他们在不同的可视化技术方面拥有丰富的知识,并提供了不同的方法来查看数据,这可能是我以前从未想过的. 例如, 我向他们提交了一个问题,问他们哪种可视化能突出显示我们可能失去利润的领域. 现在, instead of having to look through all the pertinent invoices, all this data is easily accessible in Power BI. 我们可以展示一段时间后的表现, 分析数据, and identify insights on improving those margins.
金融 Director at a large paper distribution company
过去的Power BI方法过于依赖IT部门来理解计算, 模型, and needs of every department requiring 报告 data. Power BI和新数据交付模型的支持组件支持更多的自助业务智能. 虽然这种将数据架构与自助服务分析分离的新方法是可能的, it takes a considerable understanding of the latest in the DAX analysis language. LBMC数据分析团队在明升体育app下载分析师过渡到这种新语言的过程中一直是不可或缺的导师,同时也帮助明升体育app下载数据架构师构建了一个更新的表格“大数据”架构.

What is a Cloud Based 企业数据仓库(EDW)?

Enabling modern data platform for historical times series metrics and 报告

​An 企业数据仓库(EDW) 集中式数据库是否设计用于存储和管理来自组织内多个来源的大量结构化数据. The EDW is typically used to support data analytics, 报告, 商业情报活动, and is designed to allow users to access and analyze data from a single, 全面的来源.​

​An EDW typically includes the following components:​

  • 数据模型: EDW使用数据模型来定义数据元素之间的结构和关系, and to ensure that data is stored in a consistent and logical way.​
  • 数据集成: The EDW includes tools and 流程 for extracting, 转换, and loading data from multiple sources into the EDW. 这可以包括数据清理和转换过程,以确保数据的一致性和高质量.​
  • 数据存储: The EDW includes a database management system (DBMS) to store data in a structured, 组织的方式, and to support fast querying and analysis.​
  • 数据访问: The EDW includes tools and interfaces for accessing and analyzing data, 例如SQL查询, 报告工具, 商业智能软件.​

整体, an EDW is a key component of an organization’s data infrastructure, and plays a crucial role in supporting data-driven decision-making and analysis.​

How 物联网(IoT) is Being Used

LBMC数据洞察团队带来了一个庞大的联盟物联网生态系统,使我们能够通过见解和解决方案补充明升体育app下载技术和行业专业知识. 我们提供端到端的咨询服务(从战略到实施再到托管服务),从机器和设备近乎实时地产生的大量数据中为客户解锁见解.​

  • 架构师 -为CIO/CTO定义生产环境中的最佳操作提供端到端咨询服务, covering all aspect of IoT/OT operations.​
  • 资产绩效管理 -使用物联网/OT数据集成和物联网/OT高级建模技术提供解决方案,以获得对生产过程的实时洞察.​
  • Production Process Performance Management – 设计和 Implement/support implementation of solutions (platforms, 应用程序)允许数据收集和结构化以及工业过程的分析.​
  • 新价值创造 – End-to-end consulting from ideation to implementation of smart environments, 产品, 连接平台, analytic 模型 and new services with valuable insights from user experiences.​
  • 互联用户体验 – 设计和 Implement/support implementation of solutions (wearables, AR/VR平台和应用)通过收集可穿戴设备的数据和见解来创造新的客户价值, 接近, 用户的动作和行为.​


数据结构 是否使用了一个术语来描述跨企业管理和集成数据的体系结构. 它提供了一个统一而灵活的数据管理框架,使组织能够将其数据作为单一实体进行管理, regardless of where it is stored or how it is used. 数据结构的主要目的是简化和流线化访问过程, 集成, and using data within an organization, while maintaining data governance and security.​

The 好处 of 数据结构 for Businesses​

  • 数据集成: A data fabric enables organizations to integrate data from disparate sources, 比如数据库, 云服务, 和应用程序, 变成一个, 统一的视图. 这有助于组织避免数据孤岛,并使他们能够根据数据的全貌做出明智的决策.​
  • 数据治理: A data fabric provides a centralized framework for managing and governing data, which helps organizations ensure the quality and accuracy of their data. 这也有助于组织遵守法规和数据隐私法.​
  • 改进决策:  A data fabric enables organizations to access and analyze data from multiple sources, which helps them make informed decisions based on the most up-to-date information.​
  • 提高敏捷性: A data fabric enables organizations to quickly and easily integrate new data sources, 这有助于他们应对不断变化的业务需求,并在竞争中保持领先地位.​

LBMC’s 商业智能 咨询 服务

LBMC’s 咨询 服务 team consists of highly experienced data professionals, with experience across on premise and cloud data platforms, 数据可视化, 机器人过程自动化.


To see data insights create a significant impact inside organizations, and to be one of the best in the business at providing value inside the business.

在LBMC, 我们专注于在客户的业务和IT团队中建立协作,以促进整个组织中最有效地使用数据. 我们注重解决问题, delivering with quality and excellence, using an agile approach to ensure our clients receive value every step of the way. ​


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